b'Contents Board of Directors Message from our Ceo Message from our CEO and Board President3 and Board presidentJuliet Jackson By the Numbers4 President I t has been a year unlike any other at Peel CAS. Pandemic: Year Two6 Carol KotackaLike the rest of the country and the world, Transforming Peel CAS7 Vice President we have had to be nimble to respond to the rapidly changing COVID-19 pandemic, monitoring Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Learning, Sundeep Bhatiapublic health advice and adapting our services Growth, and Taking Action8 accordingly. The communities we serve have been Treasurer disproportionately impacted by the health and Steps toward Reconciliation10 economic toll of this global crisis. We extend our Matthew McCutcheonsincere thanks to all our staff members, who have Working together to fight Human Trafficking11 Secretary been working so hard over the past two years toAkoma, Saath, and Maan, which provide culturally support children, youth and families through thisappropriate services and supports to our regions The New Look of CWICE 12 Lemmy Maingidifficult time.Black, South Asian, and Arab communities. (Learn more about our DEI initiatives on page 8.)Thanks to Peel Childrens Aid Foundation14 Member at Large In the midst of the upheaval COVID-19 has brought to all our lives, Peel CAS entered a criticalNone of this work would be possible without our Operating Revenue and Expenses16 Ammar Bookwalaturning point of transformation during this time.community partnerships. For example, we are one Member Our staff raised important concerns about ourof many agencies working together to tackle the workplace culture, including experiences relatedissue of human trafficking. New legislation from to systemic racism. This led to the Ontario Min- the Government of Ontario this year has provided Todd Christieistry of Children, Community and Social Servicesus additional tools to be able to intervene in these peel Childrens Aid Society Member initiating a Comprehensive Review of all aspectscases. We are grateful for the support of our part-of our organization and workplace culture.ners who provide assistance to survivors and their 25 Capston DriveArminda Gonzalez-families. (For more on this work, see page 11.)Mississauga, Ontario, L5W 0H3 DumpierrezOur agency welcomed this opportunity for change and renewal and is working diligently to addressThis year has been a time of change and transi-Phone: 905-363-6131Member each and every recommendation in the Compre- tion in many ways. Mary Beth took on the role of Toll-free: 888-700-0996hensive Review Report. (Learn more about ourActing CEO this year, and Juliets term as Board Fax: 905-363-6133Veronica Hallwork plan on page 7.) While this has been a diffi- President is coming to an end this spring. During Email: mail@peelcas.orgMember cult period for all members of our organization,this year of uncertainty and transformation, it is we know that through this collaborative process,our incredible team that has seen us through. Our Website: peelcas.org we will build a stronger, more compassionate,staff have embraced a collaborative process of Natasha Milijasevicmore inclusive Peel CAS. We are grateful for theworkplace restoration, sharing their perspectives, Stay up-to-date with Peel CAS news, events and more! EmailMember partnership of the Board, management, staff,ideas and experiences to improve our organiza-us or sign up on our website to join our mailing list. foster caregivers, volunteers, and our community.tion, while maintaining their outstanding level of Connect with us and join the conversation: Gurleen SidhuA transformational change has been set in motion,service. Our foster caregivers, Board members and Member and we will see it through together. volunteers have been unwavering in their commit-Facebook and LinkedIn: @PeelChildrensAidment to caring for and supporting our children, As progress continues on our work plan andyouth and families. Our community partners have Twitter and Instagram: @PeelCAS Maqbool Waljiworkplace restoration process, our mission tostood with us and those connections enrich every-Member ensure the safety and well-being of childrenthing that we do.and youth and to strengthen families through partnership guides us forward. We are proud ofWe look forward to the year ahead as Peel CAS the important steps we have taken this year tocontinues to adapt, build on our strengths, and build relationships with Indigenous agencies andfind solutions to our challenges together. communities so that we may better serve First Nations, Inuit and Metis families. This work buildsMary Beth Moellenkamp, Acting CEO and Juliet on our existing ethno-cultural service models,Jackson, President, Peel CAS Board of Directors2 Peel Childrens Aid Society Annual Report 2021-2022 3'