b'thanks to peel Childrens Aid FoundationI n 2021, Peel Childrens Aid FoundationThis year, through our Foundation, youth re-provided more than $1.3 million in financialceived training in subjects like financial literacy, support and $300,000 of in-kind support tojob skills development, cultural pride, and stress children, youth, and families involved with Peelmanagement. Children received clothing, toys, CAS.equipment and lessons so that they could enjoy regular childhood experiences.The Foundation raises funds to support programs and services that are not govern- We are so grateful to the Foundation, its donors ment-funded. Their support gives children andand volunteers for their generous support of the youth in our community the chance to experi- children, youth and families that we work with. ence more nurturing childhoods, equal oppor- Their gifts change lives in our community, every tunity to education, and future success as theysingle day.transition to adulthood. Gifts provided to children, youth and their families20015,000 boxes of toys and 68 activities through new clothing itemseducationalthe new Busy Box to over 3,000bursariesprogram children, youth, andawardedfamilies600 300 1,200 Fundraising successesbackpacks fullychildren providedchildren and youthstocked withwith virtual schoolreceived toys, school suppliestrips, musicbooks, gift cards, lessons, bikes, andand warm winter computers clothing during the$133,000 $8,000holidaysraised at signatureraised at a and third partyvirtual auctionevents14 Peel Childrens Aid Society Annual Report 2021-2022 15'